Wednesday 19 December 2007

School productions

Lots of school productions this week, and a very high standard set, especially by one of the primary schools. They didn't just get the words right, and sing in tune, they were right there with one hundred percent concentration, smiling and engaged with leaders and audience. Impressive. A few years ago we'd have been impressed with such a performance from FE Performing Arts students of 18 or 19 years old. Now we're getting this from primary age children. In the pub afterwards, parents agreed, they went to support their kids, but came away feeling that they'd been entertained.

With the smaller schools, the standard is not as high, but the effort still considerable, and the commitment of teachers and assistants is huge. At the beginning of nativity plays we make the now customary announcements, under the child protection policy, including No Photography; Please Apply to School for copies of Photos taken by Staff. No-one takes a blind bit of notice. There is a blizzard of flash as each child appears.