Saturday 10 January 2009

Happy New Year 2

So. It is now 500 days until my sixtieth birthday. The Exit Strategy has begun! Having worked out a place to store our stuff we can now begin to think about a life afloat. When the Magic Bus returns from the body shop we’ll have something to use to move things. And then there is matter of the Small Manageable Dog … where a decision is expected any day now.

I broke the news of my not too impending departure to the churchwardens group. No-one threw their hats in the air; no-one burst into tears. This is the countryside, though, and news travels fast. Several people spoke to me after a funeral today, and said that it had come as a surprise, but that they understood. And when I gave them an outline of what we might do, they got quite enthusiastic. So, although “Happy New Year” is being said by many more in hope than expectation, we have a plan, and it’s forward looking, and we’ll keep you in the loop as things develop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's exciting to think positively. 500 days to a free 'bus pass; a free NHS test of stools for bowel cancer; membership of the Over 60s Club. What joy awaits.