Monday 22 December 2008

Combating Terrierism

Well the cuddly-wuddly puppy-wuppies are growing nicely (am I still looking at this clearly, I wonder?) We’ve been to see them, and it’s all being discussed with Mrs Demon and many friends and relations, and the decision is …. no, on second thoughts, I think you’ll have to wait until after Christmas to find out….

Meanwhile, three young men set out from the east, on a long journey to a far country, following the smell of food and the prospect of a washing machine, saying unto their father, “Pick us up from the station will you, dad?” And their father was troubled, for he had a lot to do, and privily called them on their mobiles, to enquire what time their train would appear. And behold, they came, and went into the house, and saw their mother, and fell down, and opened their treasures. Yes, the boys are back in town, and the consumption of lager and mince pies has increased accordingly. Good to have them around.

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