Monday 2 February 2009

Another story

One of GL’s stories, told against Welsh chapel-goers:

A Welsh sea-captain was shipwrecked on a desert island. He was there for twenty years, all alone. Eventually a ship came by and saw his smoke signals. They put out a boat and sent a party ashore to rescue him.

When the sailors came ashore they looked around in amazement. The sea captain had built himself a fine house, and there were gardens, and vegetables growing. He was well set up. On one side of the compound were two fine chapels, each with a fine bamboo cross on the roof.

“My word, these are fine chapels!” said the sailors.
“Oh, yes,” said the sea captain, “I am a God-fearing man, and always attend chapel on Sunday.”
“Excellent!” said the sailors, “But, er, why are there TWO chapels? You are the only person on the island!”
“Ah well, you see,” said the sea captain pointing to one of the chapels, “That’s the chapel I don’t go to!”

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