Saturday 18 July 2009

I got picked up by the Mormons

Oh missus! That must have been painful! Make your eyes water, that would! Yes, yes, enough. I really was subject to an evangelistic approach by the Latter Day Saints. On Peterborough station in broad daylight. It was bit creepy, because the guy was young, American, and quite hunky. i thought at first this was some kind of bold-as-brass gay pick-up thing. Then I noticed the LDS label on his shirt pocket. By then we were already into the routine. It went like this.

Hunky Latter Day Saint Evangelist- That's a nice hat.
Me- Thank you.
HLDSE- Is it foreign?
Me- No, it's English. It's an Osprey.
HLDSE- It suits you.
Me- Thanks.
HLDSE- Do you think about God at all?
Me- Some.
HLDSE- Would you like to see my church?
Me- No, I'm getting this train to Birmingham New Street.
HLDSE- So am I!
Me- But I'm going to be in a different carriage. Goodbye.

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