Saturday 22 August 2009

Down-sizing news

It's women who are supposed to have the vast wardrobes, and Mrs Demon does have a substantial one, it's true, but I discovered eight pairs of new blue jeans in my section; all new, and unworn. Why? And what am I doing with four pairs of khaki shorts? I've only worn shorts once this year; the other evening, for about an hour.

The downsizing of the wardrobe came about because I sat down to write a blog post. if I sit down to write a blog post, the block sets in, and nothing will come. But, as a displacement activity, I get other stuff done, such as sorting out my wardrobe.

Well, I hear you say, this post seems to be going OK. Which it is. But that's because the writing is itself a displacement activity. I'm supposed to be down at church getting ready for a wedding later today.


Anonymous said...

Are you a smart person? I suspect you are. Always dressed in a well-pressed suit and looking really distinguished. I hate clergy with scruffy beards and jeans and clothes borrowed from Worzel Gummidge.

racingdemon said...

Ah, Ivan, I fear that, if we were ever to meet in person, you may be disappointed.