Sunday 28 March 2010

The Final Furlong

One does not need to be appalled at the behaviour of paedophile priests, or the alleged covering up of such behaviour by church authorities, to find the Church an increasingly difficult organisation to deal with. Not only does it develop arcane and convoluted systems that people outside don't understand, but it seems that very often the people on the inside who operate the systems don't understand them either.

Nothing is more certain than the fact that on a regular basis clergy will leave parishes and other clergy will arrive. is there any system to make sure this happens smoothly? What do you think? i can't find out how to make sure that the phone number stays the same for my successor (This didn't happen when I came. The phone number, having been the same since Adam was a lad, was suddenly different, and everyone was very lost for the best part of two years).

How does one actually resign?

Before Christmas:

Archdeacon: You'll need to sign a Deed of Resignation, at least two months before you finish, so that the formal processes of finding a successor can begin.
Me: I don't think I do that, as I'm not the incumbent and don't have the Freehold.
Arch: No, you do. it's just the same.

This week:
Me (in phone call to Archdeacon's office): The paperwork for my Deed of Resignation hasn't arrived. What do I do?
Secretary: I'll get back to you.
Sec: You don't need a Deed of Resignation, as you are not the incumbent and don't have the Freehold.
Me: I said that before Christmas!
Sec: Have you sent the bishop your licence for him to cancel it?
Me: No.
Sec: Well you'd better do that this week, otherwise things could be held up.
Me (after putting the phone down): Aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

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