Sunday 28 March 2010

The Last Stretch

We have got into the sorting and downsizing big time now. the boxes are piling up in the bedroom formerly occupied by the Dude. Our music collection is digitalised and stored on two iPods. I have a slide scanner copying batches of slides, which go back thirty years to our backpacking days in Greece, turkey and Morocco, so we can look at them all on our new laptops. The study is dismantled, and most of the theology gone to younger clergy or into the diocesan resource library. We hope our old sewing machines might get a new lease of life and be shipped out to Africa by Tools for Self Reliance. Oxfam bookstores and the local hospice shop are swamped. It's an emotional time; releasing and invigorating, but also confusing as our past is spread out on the floor, and packed away or given to others. A needful thing, I'm sure, but hard in some ways.

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