Sunday 21 June 2009

Falling into a TV drama

Shortly after the incident described in my last post, something so unpleasant, so disturbing happened, that I foundf I just couldn't write about it. This is partly because I don't want to give details away that identify me and this place, but also because for a time I was unable to gather any thoughts that made sense of what had just happened. Sometimes people's reaction to extreme events is to say that it was like finding yourself in an episode of Jonathan Creek or Midsomer Murders. Well, it was just like that. In fact, if someone had come up with this as a plot line, I'd have probably said it was implausible. But it happened. And it shook me. And I'm just coming round again.

1 comment:

AnneDroid said...

Sounds like you've been through or are going through the mill. Hope things are better soon.