Saturday 19 January 2008

Things work again

The boiler man has been and got the system working, so I can emerge from the bedroom where I have spent my off duty two days living like an ancient eccentric surrounded by piles of books and the laptop. I can come out now and have a bath and use the rest of the building. He has also replaced another two washbasin taps, the old ones destroyed by the terrible limescale in the water here. And on Monday the back doors, which are currently banging in the wind, will be replaced! At the moment it has stopped raining so there’s even a possibility of a walk up the hill, though it does not look promising out there (see below).

The Dude seems to be enjoying life as a worker troll guarding stuff, we now hardly see each other at all. Nocturnal text messaging is a growth area in our communications; with my insomnia and Tigger’s night duties there are more family members awake at night than there are during the day.
My mood has been good, even buoyant, since New Year. Perhaps writing the blog has contributed to this. I don’t know. I hope it continues, but next week is a challenge; the deanery clergy chapter meeting and my bi=annual ministerial review with the bishop. Oh joy. Still at least I have the Myers Briggs workshop to look forward to. Off for a walk up the hill.

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